Useful Websites

The Government website with access to all Public Service Departments

Wakefield Metropolitan District Council website - residents can reports various issues such as potholes, overhanging vegatation or highway issues direct to WMDC via 'My Account' and track progress of your report.

West Yorkshire Police - your Neighbourhood Police Team. You can report incidents through the Live Chat facility or online.

Walton Community Library Website and Walton Community Library Facebook.

Working for Walton 

Links to Coronovirus help and information

Latest health updates and guidance from the Government

A full list of all the Government guidance

Information on getting tested

NHS Coronavirus guidance

NHS Mental-health & wellbeing guidance

WMDC's dedicated Coronavirus webpage WMDC Emergency hotline for Coronovirus - Emergency helpline 0345 8 506 506  option 3 for people to be put in touch to help groups around the District.

COVID 19 Walton Aid (Facebook)  Email -

West Yorkshire Police Guidance

Wakefield Safeguarding Children and Young People - If you have any concerns about a child during this time, please visit the Safeguarding team website or call 0345 8503 503.  Additionally there is Government wesite advice on supporting their education and supporting their mental health.

List of Local Services